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Safer Alternatives to Forklifts

Consider an Alternate Way to Lift Materials

Forklifts are one of the material handling equipment options that come with a high risk of accidents. Human error is an inevitable part of life, but when these common errors occur while operating heavy machinery, the consequences can be severe. 

The only way to guarantee these accidents don’t happen is to avoid using forklifts altogether. There are several different types of equipment that could accomplish similar tasks in your facility.

forklift accidents

Towable Carts

These carts can be a good alternative.

The best way to replace your forklift depends on what you were previously relying on the forklift to do. If you used a forklift for moving pallets from one facility to another, then you should replace it with a towable cart.

These carts are very versatile, offering the speed and convenience of a forklift while being much easier and much safer to operate. And, for added speed, a tugger or other vehicle can move multiple carts at once, allowing you to transport much faster than if employees drove a forklift.

Pallet Conveyors

Sometimes, the old solutions are the best solutions. For instance, if you used forklifts for transporting pallets within the same facility, then a conveyor will be your best bet.

Obviously, this works best if you have a fixed route already in place for your pallets. Conveyors allow you to move pallets safely and quickly because employees can just grab a pallet when it’s near the destination.

Not only are conveyors much safer, but they are also much more efficient than forklifts. Multiple employees can be constantly unloading instead of waiting on a single employee who is struggling to drive a forklift.


One classic reason businesses rely on forklifts is for vertically lifting pallets from one level to the next. However, a safer tool for this is the stacker.

Stackers can be used for quick transport of a limited number of pallets. However, they really shine when you extend them vertically, which moves them to a higher level within a warehouse or sales facility.

Not only are stackers safer than forklifts, but their smaller profile means that you can use them in areas that forklifts can not access. Relying on them instead of forklifts means you can avoid scary accidents while also more efficiently unloading merchandise.

The Bottom Line on Forklift Accidents

When it comes to forklift accidents, it’s really simple: No forklift, no forklift accident. However, what’s the best way to replace them?

Maybe it’s time you considered how useful a vertical stacker or vertical conveyor could be for your operation. To see how a PFlow vertical reciprocating conveyor can transform your business, learn more about the VRC or contact us today. 

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