Since 1977, PFlow Industries has been innovating the material handling industry. From Bob Pfleger’s first idea of an inclined vertical conveyor, all the way to today’s advanced and customizable PFlow VRCs, PFlow has constantly pushed the market toward increased efficiency and improved safety.
Our passion is for developing products that move materials in a method that creates a much safer environment for workers and helps to build businesses by improving their operations. Workplace safety is a matter we take very seriously.
The data shows that forklifts are a major contributor to workplace injury and even death. Dozens of forklifts buzzing around a warehouse, frequently moving heavy loads to the vertical limits of their capabilities, combined with ever-increasing demand for parts and products and ever-expanding workforce is a recipe for disaster.
Of the estimated 855,900 forklifts in service in U.S. businesses, 11% will be involved in an accident this year. Of these 94,000 accidents, 34,900 will result in serious injury, and 85 will result in death. Imagine if we could prevent these deaths and the destruction caused by these major injuries.
Of the fatal forklift accidents that occurred last year, the vast majority involved the vehicle tipping over, frequently because it was overloaded and overextended.
Simply put, forklifts are designed to move loads efficiently in a horizontal manner. Once they are put to the task of moving materials vertically, a dangerous situation arises. The small footprint of a forklift, when the fork is extended high in the air, simply isn’t enough support to hold the load upright in the event of a shift in weight or other circumstance that tips the center of gravity.
Forklifts are good at many things, but lifting heavy loads to second and third story shelves isn’t one of them.
PFlow VRCs offer a safe and efficient alternative. Our variety of Hydraulic Vertical Lifts and Mechanical Vertical Lifts are ready to meet any application, and our delivery on unique applications means that even the most challenging applications are no problem for PFlow.
Contact us today to learn more
PFlow Lifts builds VRCs that meet your needs and minimize risk in your facility. With solutions on 5 of the 7 continents, PFlow is proud to be the industry leader in vertical lifts. Contact us today to learn more about what our great products can do for your business.